Sunday, March 20, 2011


The thought of Ken Jennings Vs a computer in Jeopardy is pretty hysterical. I remember watching Ken Jennings play his 70 games with my dad on monday and wednesday nights before dinner and that guy knows everything! Watson is a really cool invention. It shows how far humans have come with technology. The advancement has come so far since the first computer was made not so long ago. And to think that now a computer is answering trivia questions faster then a human can? What is this world coming too? I feel like this is going to be the next generation. I don't know how I feel about having a computer as a doctors assistant, but sadly it looks as if technology is going in that direction. When it comes down to it, what would you trust with your life? A human? or a computer for answers? Kind of a tough question I'd say.

We are advancing in technology so fast that computers are going to aid doctors now? What? What happened to searching through text books for the answers to questions, or going first hand to a morgue to see human anatomy? Now everything is going to be catalogued and based on a computer?  WEIRD

I mean, yeah this already happens - but to think, a computer error i feel would be far more significant then a human error. If we soley based our lives on technology, which- we pretty much are being ruled by now. My friend the other day said there was a thousand people waiting in line in front of him at the opening of the new apple iPad 2. If technology has this much of a hold on us now, what is it going to be like in the future? Who knows. But, anyway- I feel like a computer error would be much more significant then a human error. A human learns by observational learning, operant learning, vocal, through touch, and many more ways than a computer has the ability too. A human has a quality added into its learning that a computer does not have. A personal touch. Computers are just programmed to act, feel, and think like humans, but we must keep in mind they are not!! Computers are just machines! Machines with parts and pieces and metal and junk! In the grand scheme of things, machines don't mean anything to the bear bones of society. Machines just help the human adapt to its living space. Computers have zero emotion, zero feeling! I feel like we need to invest our time into other things than machines- coz all in all we are just going to die and have nothing much to say for other then a bunch of cool metal buildings and what not that are just going to get blown up anyways.

anyways ranting
back to what i was saying >.> if a computer has a mathematical error - it will mess up the whole cycle.. I don't know i feel like i would be more willing to trust a human then a computer- even though humans just have the same error capabilities.

the watson thing is over all really interesting, and pretty scary to think that a computer could beat ken jennings in jeopardy O.O

what is the world coming too...

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