Friday, May 6, 2011

for my grid project I choose a project my mom used to make me do when I was a kid. I was always hyperactive so to calm me down she decided to give me mindless craft projects to do. That I would often start, and not finish because I didn't have the attention span at that time. So anyway, when Santi said grid project I immdietetly thought of the latch hook rug kits that I used to buy, do 1/10th of and not start up again. This time I think It was time to complete one. It took me a while to come up with an idea for a design. I went to micheals to buy a kit with as many colors as possible. My idea was to take the premade set pattern and transform it into my own design using the colors given to me. This was more of a challenge then I originally had thought. Who knew pixelizing and image would be so difficult? Well after about 2 hours in the Cass Lab trying to stretch an image of panda to grid size, I found a template website that helped me out with making a grid.
Choosing the image was the hardest part next to laying it out on the actual grid. I needed to pick an image that I could use all of the colors given to me in the kit. I went with the polariod photograph panda because it seemed like a not so difficult design and fit the color scheme I had.
I spent, over 48 hours doing this project I think
It took me a long time to match up everything correctly. I had to continuously count each square on the grid to make sure my pattern matched accurately to my template. Often times I was off by 1 square or two and would have to take out all the string and re do it. Pain in the ass.
I over all love the finished product of my grid project
It's something I am truly proud of and represents me, because I am- well. Apanda

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